Friday, July 23, 2010

Failure is just an opportunity to get it right next time!

I did so well with my training 2 weeks ago. I lost 5 pounds in one week! Then came this week. I gained a pound. It wasn't the pound that was the problem. The problem was, even though I worked out, I slacked off at it. In addition, my nutrition was terrible! The combination of training and nutrition has a multiplying effect! This isn't news. Pretty much everyone knows this. However, this week I am failing again. I had a great workout yesterday! But my nutrition for yesterday and today has been poor. I want to reach my goals! And, I'm not going to let failure in the past dictate my behavior in the present and future. Sure, it's hard to be consistent. But, I've lost weight in the past... gained it back... now am trying to lose it again. And, I will lose it again. The question is, "How long will it take me to do it?" My motivation has to be accounted for in order for me to stay consistent. Without motivation, the outlook on success is limited. I need to consider why I am trying to lose weight in the first place. First, my health. I have high cholesterol... and this is bad to be as young as I am. Second, diabetes runs on both sides of my family, and I don't want it! Third, I am not happy with my agility. And fourth, I am not pleased and comfortable with the way I look. All of these things add up to strong motivation to get fit! I cannot control what I ate this afternoon. I can only control what I am eating right now. And I can set a goal as to what I will eat in the future. But I believe the biggest key with nutrition is to eat well in the NOW. The future isn't here yet. Just focus on this minute. This temptation. This sweet tooth... and moving beyond these temptations and desires for goodies! This too shall pass.